Darkest dungeon fuck the shrieker
Darkest dungeon fuck the shrieker

Perhaps a non-breakthrough Hellion to push the damage over the edge? And Shard dust would be useful too. Suicided some weak occultists with baby trinkets to trigger the Shrieker quest (and watch them suffer because my occultist is what got my party wiped) Fight max level Shrieker, get the items I still had equipped during the shambler fight back. Maybe a second Jester in slot 3 and hope the speed rolls go right if I can get the speed quirks to mold the turn. So I'm thinking either quad Hellion, or GR-GR-J-MAA. So with all ACC, DMG, and CRIT trinkets, what comp do you think has the best chance to make this happen? I'm also thinking for slot 1 a MAA to Command and Protecc with Mirror Shield annnnnnnd Ancestors Bottle? Grave Robber (7-14, 90% ACC, -1% CRIT) lower damage but less of a split damage penalty (about 30% more) And 1, possibly 2 Finales depending on speed rolls! Plus the Bleed can make up for a dodge or two.

darkest dungeon fuck the shrieker

Jester (7-13, 90% ACC, +5% CRIT) has the (tied) highest accuracy and the highest crit, but the lowest base damage. +45% DMG and +15 ACC on the highest base damage of the ranged characters. Although I think with Gunslinger Buckles he has the biggest trinket power increase. Obviously theres the CRIT/ACC buffs as well but still.

darkest dungeon fuck the shrieker

20% dmg over 3 more moves, as opposed to just another move. HWM (9-16, 75% ACC, -5 CRIT) I also don't think taking a turn to Tracking Shot is a good idea. As fun as it would be to take 4 of them with Surgical Gloves and Slayer Rings I feel like the debuff would become overwhelming. Hellion (10-19 base damage, 85 base ACC, +3% CRIT) neuters her own damage over the fight. And none of these moves can be used from the frontline. Clearly it's not possible to kill the nest then the Shrieker, and AFAIK the only pure damaging move that hits the middle two slots is Hellions Breakthrough, HWMs Grapeshot, Jesters Harvest, and Graverobbers Flashing Daggers.

Darkest dungeon fuck the shrieker